Beijing, China, August 29, 2023 – MicroPort® MedBot (02252.HK) announced its interim report for the six months ending on June 30, 2023. During this period, the group's revenue amounted to 47.6 million RMB (compared to 1 million RMB in the first half of 2022).
The increase in the group's revenue during the reporting period is mainly attributed to:
1. The core product, MicroPort® Toumai® Surgical Robot completed multiple commercial installations during the reporting period, rapidly expanding its market share.

2. The flagship product, MicroPort® Honghu Orthopedic Surgical Robot, achieved favorable commercial results both domestically and internationally.

3. The flagship product, MicroPort® MedBot DFVision® 3D Electronic Laparoscope, achieved steady growth in revenue and sales volume due to its strong commercial foundation.

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